ANAVI: Audio Noise Awareness using Visuals of Indoor environments for NAVIgation

Carnegie Mellon University
CoRL 2024

ANAVI is a framework for enabling home robots to estimate the noise levels in indoor environments using only visual information.


We propose Audio Noise Awareness using Visuals of Indoor environments for NAVIgation (ANAVI) for quieter robot path planning. While humans are naturally aware of the noise they make and its impact on those around them, robots currently lack this awareness. A key challenge in achieving audio awareness for robots is estimating how loud will the robot’s actions be at a listener’s location? Since sound depends upon the geometry and material composition of rooms, we train the robot to passively perceive loudness using visual observations of indoor environments. To this end, we generate data on how loud an `impulse' sounds at different listener locations in simulated homes, and train our Acoustic Noise Predictor (ANP). Next, we collect acoustic profiles corresponding to different actions for navigation. Unifying ANP with action acoustics, we demonstrate experiments with wheeled (Hello Robot Stretch) and legged (Unitree Go2) robots so that these robots adhere to the noise constraints of the environment.

Predictions on Real World Panoramas

We collect real-world panorama of indoor environments to visualize the model's predictions. We focus on sim-to-real performance of the audio prediction, as once accurately estimated, these values can be weighted against distance for audio-informed planners.

First row shows the real-world panorama. The leftmost and rightmost edges correspond to 45°, and we change angles in clockwise direction from left-to-right. The reason for non-increasing order of angles on x-axis is that panorama's are taken left-to-right, that is, clockwise, whereas angles are measured anti-clockwise. Note that the cardinal directions indicated on the plots does not imply that the panoramo starting direction and are only for illustration purposes.

Second row shows heatmap plot with the model's prediction for different distance and direction values. The direction is shown on x-axis, covering 360°, and the distances on y-axis range from 0 to 10 meters. Note that the direction is aligned with the visual image, i.e. it starts from -45° to 0, then reduces 270°, 180° 90°, and finally to 45°.

Third row shows the difference from the distance based baseline. Since the distance based baseline doesn't depend on the image, we visualize the variation in our model's prediction from the baseline. Here the green indicates where the model predicts significantly higher normalized max dB values than distance-based linear regression model, and purple indicates significantly lower normalized max dB values than naive baseline. Note that the dB values are normalized from 0 to 1.


  author    = {Jain, Vidhi and Veerapaneni, Rishi and Bisk, Yonatan},
  title     = {ANAVI: Audio Noise Awareness using Visuals of Indoor environments for NAVIgation},
  journal   = {8th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},
  year      = {2024},